Fair Business Loans, the business lending arm of Fair Finance is pleased to announce that it is looking to provide another £2m of funding to hundreds of small businesses throughout the UK during the next 12 months.
Alongside slow economic growth and the ongoing Brexit negotiations it seems that while business trading conditions in the UK are not worsening, they also don’t look like improving much in the foreseeable future.
Inflation continues to sit stubbornly above the target of 2% meaning it is increasingly likely we will see interest rate rises in the coming months, so consumers disposable income that they have available to spend buying goods and services is going to remain restricted.
Rob Benfield, Head of Fair Business Loans commented that:
“Fair Business Loans was created to ensure businesses can access funding when they need it, and so despite the UK’s economic challenges I am very pleased to be announcing the fact that we are making available another £2m of funding for small business this year.”