Halloween is upon us again, and homes all around the country are getting ready for the annual Trick or Treat festivities! To get you into the spirit - so to speak - we thought we’d look at a few tricks and treats in the world of small business finance. What tricks should you be on your guard against? Are there any treats you might dare to hope for? Read on ….
- A trick that many financial lenders use is not to make clear their charges upfront. What you may see in their marketing is a rate that seems to be a real bargain. But read the small print and once charges and fees are added, the amount you pay may be considerably more than you had originally anticipated.
- What a treat it is when you find a financial company that doesn’t automatically reject you if you have a poor credit rating. Sometimes credit issues can arise through a variety of unfortunate circumstances. A finance company that is fair will not necessarily hold bad credit against you, if they have confidence in you and your plans for your business.
- Another trick to watch out for is to be lured in by a finance company that seems to promise it will all be plain sailing, only to find that they then want more and more information about you, or an incredibly detailed business plan, or even some kind of security for the loan - all of which takes time and makes the whole process much longer than you had anticipated.
- It is a treat to be respected no matter what your individual circumstances. Some mainstream finance lenders can make you feel inadequate if you do not fit a particular mould, and it is so refreshing to find small business finance companies that are open to you as a person no matter what your background, personal circumstances or type of business.
- One final trick is when the person who has been dealing with your finance application suddenly changes. The first one, with whom you were building up a good rapport, is no longer available - for whatever reason they choose to give - and it is like starting from scratch all over again. You may have to give information or explanations to someone else that you had already given. Again, all taking precious time.
- make all our rates and charges clear up front so that you know exactly what you have to pay;
- deal with your small business loan application on its individual merit, not according to some rigid algorithm;
- keep the loan application process simple and give you an answer within days of your application;
- treat you fairly and respectfully whatever your background or circumstances;
- allocate you a dedicated Relationship Manager who will see the process through from A to Z.
No tricks!! All we ask is that you have been trading for at least a year. Why not treat yourself and contact us today? We look forward to helping you and your business spring forward and not fall back!