Recent research indicates that 35% of small and medium-sized businesses in the UK still find accessing finance from banks a challenge. 9% went even further, saying that it was very difficult or almost impossible. This reluctance has led to 60% of SMEs being concerned about their ability to finance long-term growth. This situation is endorsed […]
Cash Flow Crisis? Could a business loan help cash flow?
According to recent research, only four out of ten small businesses survive longer than five years. One of the major causes of this is problems with cash flow. A business can be doing very well financially but struggle to meet their overheads because of issues with cash flow. When many of your clients do not […]
Bad Credit: a death sentence for your business?
Bad credit seems to be one of the things in life that stays with you forever. At least that’s how it can feel. If you have bad credit history either personally or in your business, many lenders are apparently unwilling to give you a second chance. But is this true? Is bad credit a death […]
Why Choose Fair Business Loans?
The financial landscape in the UK is ever changing. These days if you need finance for your growing business, there are a range of avenues to try. From traditional banks to alternative financial services to crowdfunding to peer-to-peer lending – to name but a few – it can be difficult to work out where you […]