Fair Finance offers loans for people on benefits In a previous article, we looked at what to do if you are faced with redundancy or have already been made redundant. One of the areas we mentioned in that article was benefits. If you are in the situation of having to access benefits for the first […]
Mental health and your finances
Get help from Fair Finance loans for people on benefits Are you ok? A simple question, but one that we don’t ask often enough. In an interview in late 2019, Meghan thanked the interviewer for asking if she was ok, saying “not many people have asked if I’m OK”. Even when we are asked if […]
What to do if you’ve been made redundant
Get a fair deal on bad credit personal loans Covid-19 has led to hundreds of thousands of jobs being lost. Between July and September 2020 there was a record 181,000 increase in the number of redundancies, as many companies began to cut jobs in anticipation of the end of the furlough scheme. Redundancies are higher […]
Christmas in the time of COVID
Christmas money: Is there an alternative to payday loans What are you doing for Christmas? It’s the question that everyone is typically asking at this time of year. The problem is, with 2020 having been such a difficult year, nobody really knows what is going to be happening at Christmas. You don’t want to make […]