When you are struggling with financial problems, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you are just not good with money. But you can learn how to be better with money. And you can turn your finances round. The key thing is to begin to recognise and avoid the main mistakes that people […]
How to plan your wedding on a budget
As Covid restrictions gradually ease in the UK, weddings are back on again! From 17th May, the number of people who are able to attend weddings and receptions is anticipated to rise to 30, and from 21st June onwards there will hopefully be no further restrictions. So if you had to postpone your wedding from […]
Is there an alternative to a Provident Home Credit loan?
As you may have already heard, Provident Financial is closing its Home Credit loan business. But what does this mean for you if you currently have a Provident Home Credit loan? And is there an alternative to a Provident Home Credit loan? In this article we will look at what you need to do if […]
Should I consider taking out a loan? An alternative to payday loans
If your finances are stretched, one thing you might want to consider is taking out a loan. But is this a good idea? In this article we look at: The most common reasons people take out a loan. Advantages and disadvantages of loans. How to go about finding the loan that is right for you. […]
All you need to know about Universal Credit
In the recent Budget, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that the temporary £20 a week uplift to Universal Credit will be continued until the end of September. This is welcome news, as the increase has been a lifeline for many people during the Covid-19 pandemic. But are there other things you need to know about Universal […]
What difference did the Budget make to home buyers?
At the end of 2020, 65.8% of adults in the UK owned their own home. But for many others, the dream of owning a home seems unlikely ever to come true. Owning a home appeals to different people for different reasons. For some it is a family tradition, perhaps something to make the parents proud. […]
Self-Employed? What changed in the Budget?
The last year has been a tough one for many people. If you are self-employed, you may have been caught in the trap of not being eligible for any financial support from the government. The March Budget included some new measures designed to support the self-employed as the country gradually exits Covid restrictions. These measures […]
On Furlough? How the Budget helps
Rishi Sunak described his March Budget as meeting the moment of challenge and change currently being faced by the country. The Budget contained a series of measures which, according to Mr Sunak, are part of his mission to do whatever it takes to protect the jobs and livelihoods of the British people. Some of the […]
How to improve your credit score
Most of us have heard the terms credit score, credit report and credit history. But what exactly do they mean? How important are they, and what can you do if you have bad credit? In this article we look at: What is your credit score? How can you find out your credit score? What is […]
All you need to know about Open Banking
Open banking was launched in the UK in 2018. But what exactly is it, and how can it be of benefit to you?   What is open banking? Open banking is a way for banks to share your data and financial information more easily with other banks and authorised providers. This can include your bank […]